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NPC Japan Sport Data Management System


4 June 2024
※参加しないことが確定した選手・競技パートナーの、割り当て「取り除く」を実行してください。 ※参加する可能性のある選手の、「経歴」の項目を漏れなく入力してください。 ※参加する/参加する可能性のある全スタッフの「プロファイル」の項目を漏れなく入力してください。
1 February 2024
パリ2024パラリンピック競技大会のアクレディテーション申請締め切りは 2024年3月17日(日)です
1 February 2024


SDMS Japan

What is SDMS Japan?

The Japanese Sports Data Management System ("SDMS Japan") is specifically designed to support the National Paralympic Committee (NPC) of Japan and its national sport federations in the management of their national athletes across all sports with the main focus set on classification. [Read more...]

Current functionality implemented covers the registration of athletes and competition partners including biography, their classification history with up- and download of relevant documentation, plus extended reporting. As optional feature it also includes the automatic design of national classification cards according to the desired country-specific design. In addition, national officials (classifiers, technical officials) can be stored. The tools furthermore allows to additionally create more user accounts to share access and business with their national sport federation across the country, as well as grant access to their classifiers in preparation of upcoming national classification panels. [Read less...]