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IPC National Sport Data Management System


22 October 2020
Application Upgrade
Today, a new version of NSDMS has been launched including an upgrade of the underlying application architecture for higher performance and increased security. Additionally, the version comes with a new responsive design that respects the user's preferred device screen sizes - from desktop displays to mobile phones. Some helpers for registered users are added as well to improve user's experience and enhance performance.
1 June 2017
Launch of "NSDMS"
Today, the new IPC National Sport Data Management System (NSDMS) is launched as additional service to any National Paralympic Committee (NPC) of the IPC. The IPC welcomes Paralympics Ireland as first member to join this new platform to manage their national classification.



What is NSDMS?

The platform in front of you, the IPC National Sport Data Management System ("NSDMS"), is specifically designed to support national members (NPCs) of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) in the management of their national athletes across all sports with the main focus set on classification. [Read more...]

Current functionality implemented covers the registration of athletes and competition partners including biography, their classification history with up- and download of relevant documentation, plus extended reporting. As optional feature it also includes the automatic generation of national classification cards according to the desired country-specific design. In addition, national officials (classifiers, technical officials) can be stored. The NPC may decide to additionally create more user accounts to share access and business with their national sport federation across the country, as well as grant access to their classifiers in preparation of upcoming national classification panels.

A connection to the IPC Sport Data Management System ("SDMS") that is the IPC athlete management tool for the nine IPC sports is in preparation so that internationally registered and classified athletes can be synchronised in both directions.

If you are an NPC in good standing with the IPC and interested to join the NSDMS platform, do not hesitate to contact the IPC Sports IT team at sdmsadmin@paralympic.org for further information. [Read less...]