KURANBAEV Uchkun | ||
IBANEZ BANON Sergio | ||
SETO Yujiro | ||
ABASLI Namig |
Athlete | NPC | Score | NPC | Athlete | Note |
PEREZ DIAZ Luis Jabdiel | 0 / 10 | AZE | ABASLI Namig |
Athlete | NPC | Score | NPC | Athlete | Note |
ABASLI Namig | 1s1 / 0 | RPC | RUDENKO Viktor | ||
AAJIM Munkhbat | 1s2 / 10s1 | JPN | SETO Yujiro |
Athlete | NPC | Score | NPC | Athlete | Note |
ABASLI Namig | 1s2 / 0s1 | UKR | KHORAVA Davyd | ||
SETO Yujiro | 11 / 1 | GEO | GAMJASHVILI Giorgi |
Athlete | NPC | Score | NPC | Athlete | Note |
TANAKA Robert | 0 / 10 | RPC | RUDENKO Viktor | ||
IBANEZ BANON Sergio | 10 / 0 | PUR | PEREZ DIAZ Luis Jabdiel | ||
GAUTO GALLEGOS Eduardo | 0 / 11s1 | JPN | SETO Yujiro | ||
AAJIM Munkhbat | 10 / 0s1 | AUS | PHIPPS Wayne |
Athlete | NPC | Score | NPC | Athlete | Note |
GAMJASHVILI Giorgi | 11s1 / 0s1 | RPC | RUDENKO Viktor | ||
ABASLI Namig | 0s2 / 1 | ESP | IBANEZ BANON Sergio | ||
KURANBAEV Uchkun | 10 / 0 | JPN | SETO Yujiro | ||
KHORAVA Davyd | 11s1 / 0s1 | MGL | AAJIM Munkhbat |
Athlete | NPC | Score | NPC | Athlete | Note |
IBANEZ BANON Sergio | 10 / 0 | GEO | GAMJASHVILI Giorgi | ||
KHORAVA Davyd | 1s2 / 10s2 | UZB | KURANBAEV Uchkun |
Athlete | NPC | Score | NPC | Athlete | Note |
KURANBAEV Uchkun | 1s2 / 0s1 | ESP | IBANEZ BANON Sergio |
The results data of the IPC Historical Results Archive is based on information contained/ sourced in the original hardcopy final results publications. Some information from earlier Paralympic Games (i.e. 1960-1988) such as relay and team members are not presented in these source. Therefore, final results, medal standings and derived statistics may not be complete. If you encounter any inaccuracies or errors, please do not hesitate to send a message to sdmsadmin[at]paralympic[dot]org with the details and proving materials.
Important note on the definition of participants: Only athletes that appear in the official results books in the section of final results are included in the database and counted towards participant statistics. Data since 2014 are accurate. Statistics for previous Games editions are under review.
Important note on competition partners: Competition partners eligible for medals are included in the combined participant statistics until 2000 (concerning pilots in tandem cycling). Statistics for 2008 and beyond consider athletes with an impairment and their competition partners separately.