Netherlands at the Paralympic Games

Region: Europe
Participated: 1960 - 2024
Athlete/s with most gold medals (Summer Games): RUITER Marijke (1972-1988) - 10 gold, 1 bronze [show more]
Athlete/s with most gold medals (Winter Games): MENTEL-SPEE Bibian (2014-2018) - 3 gold [show more]

Medals by Summer Games
Games Total
Rome 19603508
Tokyo 196446414
Tel Aviv 1968124420
Heidelberg 197214131138
Toronto 197645251484
Arnhem 1980333136100
Stoke Mandeville & New York 1984555228135
Seoul 198830242983
Barcelona 199214141139
Atlanta 199617111745
Sydney 2000129930
Athens 20045121229
Beijing 2008510722
London 201210101939
Rio de Janeiro 201617192662
Tokyo 202025171759
Paris 202427171256
Total 328 279 256 863
Medals by Winter Games
Games Total
Lillehammer 19941034
Nagano 19980112
Salt Lake City 20021304
Sochi 20141001
Pyeongchang 20183317
Beijing 20220314
Total 6 10 6 22

Medals by Discipline - Summer Games
Sport Total
CP Football3003
Cycling Road21131448
Cycling Track86519
Sitting Volleyball2316
Table Tennis20142458
Wheelchair Basketball36413
Wheelchair Fencing0112
Wheelchair Tennis22161149
Total 328 279 256 863
Medals by Discipline - Winter Games
Sport Total
Alpine Skiing2316
Cross Country0437
Total 6 10 6 22

Participants at Summer Games
Sport Men Women Total
Rome 196017219
Tokyo 1964437
Tel Aviv 1968241034
Heidelberg 1972261238
Toronto 1976411758
Arnhem 19807826108
Stoke Mandeville & New York 1984402161
Seoul 19887634110
Barcelona 1992722799
Atlanta 19967333106
Sydney 20006833101
Athens 2004514293
Beijing 2008334679
London 2012394988
Rio de Janeiro 20165862120
Tokyo 2020294170
Paris 2024444084
Participants at Winter Games
Sport Men Women Total
Innsbruck 1984516
Innsbruck 1988628
Albertville 1992527
Lillehammer 1994516
Nagano 1998213
Salt Lake City 2002314
Vancouver 2010101
Sochi 2014437
Pyeongchang 2018459
Beijing 2022538


The results data of the IPC Historical Results Archive is based on information contained/ sourced in the original hardcopy final results publications. Some information from earlier Paralympic Games (i.e. 1960-1988) such as relay and team members are not presented in these source. Therefore, final results, medal standings and derived statistics may not be complete. If you encounter any inaccuracies or errors, please do not hesitate to send a message to sdmsadmin[at]paralympic[dot]org with the details and proving materials.

Important note on the definition of participants: Only athletes that appear in the official results books in the section of final results are included in the database and counted towards participant statistics. Data since 2014 are accurate. Statistics for previous Games editions are under review.

Important note on competition partners: Competition partners eligible for medals are included in the combined participant statistics until 2000 (concerning pilots in tandem cycling). Statistics for 2008 and beyond consider athletes with an impairment and their competition partners separately.