IPC Service Centre

The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has developed a long list of web-based applications and services to support all clients of the Paralympic Movement at its best, and this list is continuously growing alongside the Movement itself.
On the one hand, there are all sports data management systems, commonly known as "SDMS" to handle the huge amount of data inside the federations in co-operation with the federation's membership and other federation's related stakeholders. In addition to the version dedicated to the IPC, several versions for other International Federations (IFs) and National Paralympic Committees (NPCs) are provided. On the other hand, additional sport and/or corporate related platforms were launched that are directly or indirectly linked to the daily business of the World Para Sport federations in order to maximise the synergy within the IPC and between the IPC and its members and partners.
The IPC Service Centre itself does not only act as sitemap for these applications but mainly acts as core data system that feeds all other systems through the "IPC Common Codes". These codes are the standard for any Para-sport related data exchange processes, with a close link to the Olympic Data Feed project governed by the IOC.

Sport Data Management Systems (SDMS)

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IPC Sport Data Management System for the World Para Sports governed by IPC

for International Federations


IBSA Sport Administration System



World ParaVolley Sport Administration System



World Taekwondo Classification System



Para-Cycling Sport Administration System



FIS Para Snowsport Data Management System



IWAS Competition Management System

for National Paralympic Committees


IPC National Sport Data Management System

SDMS Netherlands

SDMS Netherlands

SDMS Japan

SDMS Japan

SDMS Germany

SDMS Germany

SDMS Denmark

SDMS Denmark

SDMS Spain

SDMS Spain

SDMS Norway

SDMS Norway

IF/NPC-specific versions listed in order of launch date.

IPC Sport & Corporate Services

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Common Codes

IPC historical and current common codes

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Historical Results

Paralympic Games results and statistics since 1960

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IPC Accreditation

Accreditation to World Para Sport events

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IPC Events

List of active registration portals to IPC events

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IPC Extranet

Multi-module application for IPC departments

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Assets and emblems approval platform

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WPPO Learning Hub

e-learning platform for World Para Powerlifting